The Pursuit Of Excellence 

Upcoming Cohorts Dates 

April 14th - June 30th


June 9th - August 25th 2024

 In the ancient Greek tradition, 'Arete' was revered as the highest form of human excellence, a blend of virtue, personal integrity, and the fulfillment of one's potential.

Between the modern day "Alpha-male" tropes trying to reclaim superficial masculine identities and the overly sensitive "nice guy" personas who have no backbone, there lies a path of integration.

Arete, in its true essence, calls for a remembering and reclaiming of the virtues of courage, integrity, and contribution that define a life well-lived.

Arete challenges the men to go deeper than the typical masculine self improvement path, one that transcends the clichéd dictates of “Man up” and “Show no weakness.” It is a path which embraces the full spectrum of masculine strength — one that honors vulnerability as much as it does resilience. This program is an invitation to men who see a gap between their daily existence and the unexplored depths of their true potential.

Through self reflection, brotherhood, and intentional challenge, Arete invites men to define masculinity on new terms by uncovering the untapped aspects of your being, fostering deeper connections, and aligning your life with your deepest values and aspirations.

Are you ready to not only discover... but embody the highest expression of yourself?

This is more than a "men's circle"; it’s a pathway to a life of fulfillment, empowerment, and lasting connections.

Join The Program


Session Times and Location 

Sundays 5:30PM - 8:30PM PDT at a private location near Ashland, OR 


What To Expect From Arete:

  • A Brotherhood Of Like-Minded Men: Break out of "lone-wolf" mindset and surround yourself with a supportive community of men that are aspiring for greater wholeness, positive contribution and relational wellness.

  • Self-Leadership: Clarify your core values, and harness the ability to lead yourself with integrity and aligned action in all aspects of your life. 

  • Emotional Hygiene: Learn the bio-energetic tools to process the emotional pain from the past so you can have greater emotional freedom. Free yourself from the limiting beliefs and unconscious strategies of unresolved emotional pain and trauma. 

  • Mastering Your Nervous System: Build mental and emotional resilience through neuroscience and trauma-informed somatic practices, empowering you to respond vs. react to life's challenges. Learn the tools to engage consciously with life, holding composure and loving presence.

  • Relationship Depth: Practice the tools to bring more authentic connection and communication to your relationships, wielding the power of deep honesty. Overcome the sham based hiding, intimacy- avoidance, and people pleasing tendencies.

Soma leads by example and lives the work.  He is dedicated and committed to men stepping forward into their embodied, empowered, highest selves.  When you work with Soma, you join a container of support that can elevate everything you do to the next level.

Noah Hammond Tyrrell; Coach and Entrepreneur

The work met and exceeded all expectations. I wanted to heal from the loss of a relationship & the emotional fallout that came from it. I recognized that I needed to find emotional maturity & intelligence & the work helped me make great strides on this lifelong journey.

I approach my relationships with a new sense of integrity & don’t compromise my needs.

Tyler Bye; Tech Entrepreneur

This is for men that:

Crave a structure to support them in the ACCOUNTABILITY to follow through on what's most important

 Long to have a experience of trust, CAMARADERIE and deep connection with other men

 Want to strengthen a personal PRACTICE that moves them to engage with life more intentionally

 Are seeking a SAFE CONTAINER to transform their wounds and self sabotaging habits

 Want to feel a sense of PURPOSE and living in greater alignment with their core values

 Are seeking an embodied experience of an emotionally mature and healthy MASCULINE COMMUNITY

Want to connect to the DEEP EMPOWERMENT that comes from showing up authentically without a mask

 Are ready to be challenged to play a bigger game while makingPOSITIVE IMPACT in the world

What's Included?

(12) Live 3hr. Group Workshops 

Covering topics such as masculine/feminine polarity, self-leadership, purpose mapping, shadow work, sexual yoga, healing the father wound, authentic relating, archetypal embodiment, emotional release, and receiving the gift of conscious masculine feedback.

Daily Embodiment Practice Regimen

This daily somatic ritual will train your nervous system into new capacities, while supporting you to show up with greater purpose, power, and presence by activating your primal life force and clearing stress, emotional pain, and anxiety from your body-mind.

Integration Work

Structured self-reflection through journaling exercises will help you mine your subconscious for deep wisdom and new awareness. Turn your insights into actions through take home experiences which support you in making the necessary changes in your day to day life and relationships. 

A Private Online Forum

Stay connected to the brotherhood in between sessions by engaging our Arete Fellowship social networking experience.This is where you'll access your practices videos and weekly assignments and stay connected to the men in between sessions

Truth Check... 

 You're inconsistent in your commitments, and fail to maintain new habits, or follow through on your intentions

 You overthink, overanalyze and procrastinate, often waiting for some magical sign from the Universe to grant you the badge of readiness to go after what you want

 You compare yourself to others causing you to quietly compete, while questioning and doubting your value

✔ You compromise your integrity in relationships and fail to set clear boundaries to not rock the boat and dig for external validation

You avoid difficult things, conflict, and struggle to set clear boundaries

 You distract or numb yourself with Netflix, porn, social media, food, alcohol, & disconnected sex

 You're frozen by paralysis of analysis, perfectionism, and the narrative of "not enough"


While this is not an exhaustive list of the behaviors that show up for men as a form of coping or avoidance strategy. Being honest about where we stand with these or others, is how we begin to move the needle towards a life of deep purpose and fulfillment.
Are You Ready To Create Alignment With Your Core Values, Harness The Power of Your Authentic Truth, And Unleash The Confidence Of A Purpose Driven Warrior.

Join us for Arete 

Earlybird Pricing


Before March 1st 2024, $2250 thereafter

  • 12 Live Group In-person Workshops Intensives (3-hours long) focusing on group specific themes
  • Daily Practice Accountability Pods for a daily embodiment practice routine
  • Integration Assignments for self-reflection, insight and practical application in your life 
  • A Whole System Dopamine Reset using science backed protocols for optimal performance
  • A Transformational Container to support you in breaking negative habit cycles and upleveling every domain of your life including; sleep, nutrition, exercise, environment, relationships

Soma held and lead a magnificent and transformative father healing ritual practice which I was privileged to participate in.  I am regular practitioner and this experience healed much of residual energetic pain that had stood in the way of my relationship with my father who passed some ten years ago.

Amir Kalighi; Founder The Embodied Masculine

I think about where I was a year ago – no traction whatsoever on the life that I wanted to live. Depressed, isolated, confused, frustrated.  

I can contrast that with where I’m at today. The optimism and hope that I feel in my bones. Waking up early, jumping out of bed and ready to tackle whatever the day will throw my way. My eyes are wide open. I can see the risks. I know the risks. I can see failure waiting for me at the bottom of the ravine, but I’m jumping off the cliff all the same.

BRYAN PISTOLE; Business Banking



In addition to the main program cost

  • 3 Guided Psychedelic Journeys: Participants will engage in a transformative ceremony, facilitated to deepen self-awareness and emotional healing in a meticulously structured, safe setting.

  • Embodied Practice Sessions: Each weekend includes sessions focused on somatic practices, which help participants to navigate the altered states with greater agency and consciousness.

  • Integration: Post-journey integration is key. We offer processes to help you understand and apply your experiences to everyday life.

  • Expert Facilitation and Support: Our experienced facilitators provide a secure and nurturing environment for each journey, ensuring safety, confidentiality, and profound personal exploration.

  • A Personal Retreat: Included is an overnight stay in our charming guest cabin, nestled alongside a seasonal creek in the Southern Oregon foothills.

Enhance Your Journey With 3 Guided Psychedelic Weekend Immersions

Dive deeper into your transformation. These immersive experiences are an invitation to explore and integrate profound insights, facilitated by the therapeutic potential psilocybin in a safe and guided environment.

What You Gain:

  • Deeper Insights: These guided journeys are designed to offer profound personal revelations and emotional healing.
  • Somatic Practices: Our sessions focus on aligning body and mind for a holistic approach to personal growth.
  • Integration Support: We provide the tools and guidance necessary to weave your experiences into the fabric of your daily life.

Investment Details:

  • The immersion is available to a limited number of Arete participants for an additional charge of $3600.
  • This fee covers the immersive sessions, food, facility and cabin rental, and expert guidance for the duration of the weekend.

Scientific Foundation: Recent studies have underscored the potential of MDMA and Psilocybin in therapeutic settings, leading to legal changes in Oregon. These substances have been shown to aid significantly in treating conditions like PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

** Legal Disclaimer: All participants are responsible for self-prescribing MDMA and Psilocybin. Our role is to facilitate a safe and guided experience, adhering to Oregon's legal standards. All participants will be required to register with Oklevueha Native American Church.

** Please note the cost for this experience is NOT inclusive of transportation.

** Additional services, including bodywork sessions are an additional charge.