Cultivate the Capacities & Connections Needed to Rise Into the Next Level of Your Life and Work


A 5-Day Men’s Leadership Immersion with Soma Miller and Chris Kyle

At a Private Retreat Center in the Diamante Valley of Southern Costa Rica

April 2nd to 7th, 2024

You feel deep down in your bones and your heart that you’re being called to something bigger for your life and your contribution to the world... 

If you’re like us, you know that your unique gifts, talents and passions are needed now more than ever to co-create the shift we must make to meet the challenges of our human presence on this planet.

So imagine living as the highest version of you…with clarity, purpose, and a deep commitment to transformation of yourself and others... and to our collective evolution.

The challenge for most of us is that we fall into the trap of spending a lot of our time on the non-essential things of our day-to-day lives. 

We get ‘super busy’ with things that actually don’t matter. 

And we tend to fall back into living the Default Life – playing by the rules our society has set up for all of us. You know…”Be a good performer and consumer…"Do what's "expected of you"... and "don’t rock the boat -- just put your head down and get the work done.”   

So here’s the secret to shedding the Default Life once and for all:
The way OUT is IN.

When you turn your attention inward, you connect more deeply with your True Self. And when you consistently orient to your inner knowing, you forge the capacities to more potently embody your gifts and have an impactful presence. 

We all need support and a committed community of like-minded people to help us get here…and stay here.

In this nature-immersion experience, you’ll be unplugged from the Distraction Vortex. You’ll be immersed in the tropical beauty of Costa Rica while sharing the experience with a group of cool, amazing men.

You’ll be able to connect more deeply with yourself and with other good men – supporting you in bringing forth what is calling you NOW in your life...what we call your Emergent Charge.

And you’ll harness the power and wisdom of deep nature-connection and the innate intelligence of your body to boldly and unapologetically be a stand for the vision of what you see is possible for our world and the difference you’re making in it… 

Very few have the courage to live a life by design and actually become the changemakers for these times.

You are the leader that our world needs now, and you get to choose how you want to make a difference. 

This retreat is intended to equip you with the tools, insights and support to create this new year from a place of abundance and service, so that you and people around you can truly thrive, not just survive. 

Over these 5 days we’ll be exploring how to… 

  • Find the clarity that enables you to commit to a path and have the confidence to face off against all obstacles
  • Tap into a powerful vision for the future and create a practical roadmap to get there
  • Move beyond the ‘Lone Wolf’ and embrace the support, reflection, and galvanizing force of brotherhood
  • Meet and integrate your own darkness and vulnerability so you can transform them into fuel for the journey
  • Utilize the power of play and flow states to access energy and creativity for your mission and the work ahead
  • Get nourished, fortified, and guided by the beauty and wisdom of nature -- the pristine jungle and the wild Pacific Ocean





The capacity to be calm, clear, and composed in the face of adversity. To respond vs. react, while holding the totality of yours and others human experience.


To take full ownership of your actions and your impact on your past, present, and your future, while empowering yourself to create your destiny.


Having an intimate awareness of your core values while practicing aligning your intentions, words, and actions with them.


By the end of this retreat, you’ll experience:


  • Clarity and knowing of the next steps you need to take to bring your vision to life.  This retreat is designed to give you the tools to help you get clear and refine your vision, so you can stay focused and directed on what's necessary to lead you there.
  • A solid community of forward-thinking allies to support you on your journey. You'll be surrounded by a group of like-minded men who are all on a journey to self-actualize and embody their purpose. You'll have the opportunity to network with them, share your big dreams, and support each other in achieving the goals. While having a ton of fun too!
  • The potency of the natural world to provide you with deep insights, inspiration and nourishment. Costa Rica is home to some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the world. We'll have the space to spend time in nature, connecting with the beauty, peace and guidance it brings.
  • A deeper connection to your True Self, your authentic presence in the world. Our program is designed to help you recconnect more deeply with YOU. You'll learn techniques and practices that can help you connect with your higher wisdom, your purpose, and feel an embodied sense of the energy it will take to manifest that vision. 



This retreat is for men who...

  • Consider themselves to  be inspired leaders, change-makers, and evolutionaries.
  • Are ready to stop playing small and want to be challenged to play a bigger game, while making a positive impact in the world.  
  • Want to feel a sense of sacred purpose and living in greater alignment with their core values.
  • Want to connect to the deep empowerment that comes from showing up more authentically without a mask and  being celebrated for who they truly are.
  • Crave an environment of like minded peers to support them in being accountable to following through on what's most important.
  • Feel a longing to have an experience of trust, camaraderie, and connection with other men. 
  • Feel a deep affinity for nature but have lost connection to it as responsibilities and life's busyness have taken precedence.

What men are saying about Emergence...

“I came away with increased self-confidence and inspiration to follow my dreams. I'm feeling more capable of pursuing my professional and personal goals. I truly feel loved and supported by the facilitators and fellow participants. I can't wait for the next Emergence retreat!” 

— Jordan Beaver, Ecological Restoration Technician


“I experienced a greater sense of my Emergent Charge -- that I get to speak my truth clearly and simply, with courage and trust in my heart. I've embodied that in my daily life and the impact has changed how I see myself and how I walk in the world today. Both Chris and Soma have seamlessly created a container in which to express and tap into my inner wisdom.”  

— Jean-Pierre Weingarten, Private Chef



“I feel like I was able to let go of the resistance in my life that has been keeping me feeling stuck. There's been a shift in my being, and I'm feeling a connection within myself that nourishes my spirit. It's like I answered a call that's been waiting for me. In many ways it feels like a responsibility has been bestowed upon me to carry what I'm experiencing forward into the world, to share my talents and shine brightly!” 

— Kevin Oliver, Owner Landscape Design Firm


“What shifted for me coming out of the Emergence Retreat was the felt experience that my presence is my power. I finally saw how that can be leveraged to open, to honor, and to love myself, my partner, and others.”

— Evan Bellanceau, Regional Sales Manager

Our Home Base for the Retreat:  H.O.M.E Farm

Our private retreat center, HOME Farm, is in the Diamante Valley about 25 minutes from the coastal town of Dominical. It sits on 55 hillside acres of lush jungle along the pristine Baru River, and right atop the Nauyaca Waterfalls. It is a magnificent and wild place for us to be based.

Your accommodations will include comfortable shared sleeping accommodations in jungle cabins.

What You'll Receive

All-Inclusive Retreat Experience 

All of your accommodations, food, activities, excursions, and group sessions over the 5 days in Costa Rica are included in the price of this retreat. We will be based at HOME Farm but we'll also adventure out in the Diamante Valley and on the beach near Dominical. (Only airfare and transportation to Dominical is not included.) 

Guided Embodied Practices

Each day we’ll be leading you through time-tested embodiment practices to help you regulate your nervous system and connect to a place of stillness, clarity, and consciousness. These include Chi Gong, meditation, breathwork, and embodied nature practices. 

Group Council Sessions

Each afternoon we’ll circle-up and create the space for specific inquiries and group exercises to support your clarity and vision for your life. We’ll draw on the insights of the day, while also tapping into the wisdom of the larger group for feedback and coaching.

Personal Masterminding Sessions

As the clarity of your next steps emerge, you’ll have a small pod of men to help you sharpen and crystallize what is most calling you now and how to best navigate there. These masterminding sessions will provide you with key ideas, distillations, and wisdom from the other men in the group.

Nature Immersion Experiences

We'll have daily nature outings to connect you with the beauty, wisdom, inspiration, and rejuvenation of the stunning natural landscape around Dominical. Each day we’ll guide you through a unique process to access your intuition, creativity and inner guidance that is available through your deepening relationship with the natural world.

Delicious Organic Farm-To-Table Meals

We believe changemakers need to nourish their bodies well to function at the high level of performance required to take on a big mission. We've hired an amazing chef to prepare healthy, organic food to support and sustain us for the deep dives we'll be doing.

Post-Retreat Integration Sessions (on Zoom)

Much will be unearthed during this retreat. To support you in the integration of your retreat experience and being accountable to your takeaways, we are including four 90-minute post-retreat integration calls hosted on Zoom (one call per week).


Super Early Bird Save $1000 (Reg. $2,495)


Expires February 4th, 2024

  • All-Inclusive Retreat Experience

  • Nature Immersion Experiences 
  • Guided Embodied Practices

  • Group Council Sessions

  • Personal Masterminding Sessions

  • Ceremonies and Rituals

  • Organic Farm-To-Table Meals

  • Post-Retreat Integration Sessions (4 Calls)


A 5-Day Intensive in Costa Rica for a Small Group of Good Men...

We're curating a powerful group of conscious changemakers for this retreat in the tropics!

Join us in person at a private retreat space on the southern Pacific Coast to clarify your vision for the next chapter in your life while deepening the connection to yourself and to a like-minded group of good men. 

It will be a valuable time for you to embrace new insights and inspiration through nature connection, embodied practices, transformational experiences, and lots of fun & play. 

The retreat price includes accommodations for 5 nights, all chef-prepared meals, nature activities, group sessions, ceremonies, and post-retreat integration sessions on Zoom. 

 * Airfare, travel insurance and transport to event space is not included.

* Limited scholarship pricing available for qualified men.

Your Facilitators: Chris Kyle & Soma Miller

CHRIS KYLE is a teacher, coach, facilitator and entrepreneur who has spent the last 30 years helping individuals and organizations discover their purpose and scale their impact in the world.

He is the founder of Launch Academy, a training program and community to support changemakers in bringing their message to a global audience through online courses. He is also the co-founder of Impact Giving Advisors, where he is the Head of Leadership Development.

Chris is the creator of the Power of Purpose Global Summit, the Man on Purpose 7-Week Online Course; and the co-creator of the Conscious Men Summit with Dr. John Gray and Arjuna Ardaugh.

Chris has been facilitating men’s trainings and men’s circles for 22 years all across the world. And he is a certified Co-Leader of The ManKind Project’s flagship men’s training. Earlier in his career, Chris worked for Fortune 500 companies, ran his own eco-adventure travel company, and coached start-up executives. He has a master’s degree in Nature-Based Leadership. 

SOMA MILLER is a men's coach, facilitator and visionary, standing at the forefront of leading men to embody a new paradigm culture of conscious masculinity and integral leadership.

He is the founder of The Essential Man; an organization which exists to support high-performing men live from their values and gifts so they can build meaningful, aligned lifestyles and deep, authentic relationships.

Through two decades of  immersion, leading and engaging with thousands of men, he has gained a tremendous depth and breadth of intimate knowledge, specific to the pitfalls and aspirations of the masculine developmental journey.

He has extensively trained with authorities in the arts of masculine leadership, spiritual intimacy, sacred sexuality, and conscious entrepreneurship. Including John Wineland, David Deida, Francis Weller, Robert Augustus Masters, and The Integral Center.

He is a devout somatic practitioner, yogi and entrepreneurial activist, committed to integrating holistic lifestyle design and spirituality into the practical everyday realities of hs relationships, fatherhood, and business.